• matthew@hierthinking.com


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Getting Program running time using FOCAS2

Is there a method to understand how long the program has been running on the machine using FOCAS2?

Hi Mattia, You can use cycle time.


//Specify timer data to be read.

//0 : Power on time
//1 : Operating time
//2 : Cutting time
//3 : Cycle time
//4 : Free purpose

Focas1.IODBTIME time = new Focas1.IODBTIME();
_ret = Focas1.cnc_rdtimer(_handle, 3, time);
Console.WriteLine("st = " + _ret);
Console.WriteLine("Cycle Time Minute = " + time.minute);
Console.WriteLine("Cycle Time Milisecond= " + time.msec);


But with this method you can take real producting time for this reason you can see full time when producting finish.